Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A new start

I seem to be all mouth and no action. I keep saying that I'm going to do this and I'm not going to eat or drink that, and then in a blink of an eye I'm eating and drinking all the things I've said that I'm not going to!! So I've set myself a couple of goals. Firstly I've decided not to weigh myself daily. It seems to stress me out too much. I always worry about what I'm eating that day and whether it's going to show on the scales the next day. So from today (1st March) I'll only weight myself first thing on a Saturday morning. It's going to be hard as I've weighed myself everyday for a very long time. I didn't weigh myself this morning and have no idea how much I weigh today, which in itself is a bit stressful. I've also given myself the two goals I mentioned before. The first goal is to see if I can forgo the alcohol, and junky food ie. chocolate, biscuits, lollies etc until Nick's parents arrive (March 29th). If I achieve this goal I am going to buy myself this watch . I've had my eye on it for ages, but haven't had any reason to buy it before now. My second goal is to get down to 60kg (my ideal weight). If I can get there, I am going to go and buy myself (with Nick's help) a wedding ring - a BIG wedding ring with lots of diamonds in it. Nick and I didn't formally get married, I changed my name by deed poll. It was a mutual decision that we felt was the best thing for us, as we've been together for over nearly 12 years, have a daughter and already live like a married couple, so spending lots of money just to tell everyone that we're married really wasn't a priority for us. Anyway, look out Jewellery shops 'cos here I come!! So let's see if some real goals can help me!! Only time will tell.