Monday, November 27, 2006

Monday 27th November

Exercise: Spin Class Okay, so as you are probably aware, no posting means no exercise. Yep that's right, I've done nothing since Netball last Monday night. Can't really put my finger on the reason. I have had a few later nights, so when the alarm has gone off in the morning (and I still set it every evening) I didn't want to get out of bed, so I didn't! Now that's probably not the best attitude to have when I am trying to lose about 4kgs! And even though this thought goes through my head every morning, my body just won't co-operate. I suppose one good thing (if there is anything!) is that I have had a good week food wise (apart from my FREE day) and I've not eaten any crappy food. (I said FOOD, not alcohol!). Now is anyone looking to buy some books regarding web design? I've put a heap of them on Ebay as I'm clearing out all the ones that I don't need and will never use again. If you're interested click on the Ebay link to the right. Did anyone sit through 3 HOURS of Australian Idol last night? I fell asleep about 3/4 of the way through and woke up just before they announced the winner...thought that Jess should have won, but Damien does have a great voice. I'm now into watching So You Think You Can Dance. And it's on fairly early in the evening too so I don't have to sit up late to watch it.....Yes I'm a sad case! Dad's Quote: "See Alana, I'm always right" Alana: "No you're definitely not always right!"