Saturday, September 11, 2004

Friday 10th September

Weight: 67.6 Exercise: Treadmill - 60 Mins Power Walking (about 7.9km) Food Intake: Breakfast: Low Carb Blueberry Muffin & Double Cream Morning Tea: Cubes of Cheese Lunch: Bacon Mayo Salad Afternoon Snack: Orange Chupa Chup Late Snack: Slice White Bread & Butter, 3 Sugar Free French Vanilla Chews Dinner: Chicken Breast, Cauliflower, Green Beans & Gravy I think I'm having carbohydrate withdrawl cravings. Had this real urge to eat some bread, so I had some. Not sure if it made any difference, and I have to be honest and say that the bread didn't taste as nice as I thought it would!!! Please note, no alcohol was consumed tonight!!