Monday, September 06, 2004

Sunday 5th September

Weight: 67.2 Exercise: 20 Mins Cross Trainer (3.03km), 20 Mins Bike (8.31), 20 Mins Treadmill - Power Walking (2.39km) Food Intake: Breakfast: Cheese & Ham Omelette with 2 pieces bacon Morning Tea: Low Carb Biscuit, few cubes of cheese Lunch: Turkey Roast, green beans, carrots, broccoli, 2 JD's & Diet Coke Dinner: 1 Bacon, Egg & Cheese Muffin, few cubes of cheese, 2 glasses Champagne It was Father's Day today and we went out for a meal. I had the roast but asked for the potatoes to not be put on the plate....cos I know I would've eaten them otherwise. The meal was a bit of a letdown though. Won't go there again!!