Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tuesday 8th March

Exercise: Back, Chest, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Situps Food Intake: Breakfast: 2 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine Morning Tea: Chicken with Noodles Cup A Soup Lunch: Tuna, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, Boysenberry Yoghurt Afternoon Tea: 3 Large Plums Dinner: Chicken Sausage, Honey Soy Turkey Stirfry, Broccoli & Cauliflower Mash I was this close to grabbing a biscuit out of the tin this afternoon. Just in time I remembered that I had some plums with me so ate them instead, but I so wanted that biscuit! Might have to give the cous cous and coleslaw a miss for a while as I'm not actually getting sick of it, but I think I need a change in my food. I'll probably replace it with a green salad instead.