Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thursday 11th May

Exercise: 10km Run - Mullum Mullum Creek Trail Met Beki this morning for an easy run!! Yeah right....It felt easy, but was only a couple of minutes slower than our faster runs!! Beki also brought along a headlamp to try out. It fit over my cap very nicely and I couldn't even feel it was there. Unfortunately it didn't give off much light, so might have to look into getting a brighter one. (I should ask the guys I work with if they can rig one up for me seeing as I work for a company that sells LED lighting!!). My knee still has a twinge, but not when I'm running. Nothing too bad though. Will probably rub some Nurofen Gel into it tonight and see how it feels tomorrow. I've got quite a few runs lined up over the next few days and I'd hate for it to do the dirty on me now! Running in the Mothers Day Classic on Sunday. Should be a fun morning as all the Ausrun girls are meeting up and having a glass or five of champers after the race. Then I have to get home so that I can be pampered and loved by hubby and Alana....oh goody, more champers!! Alana's Quote: Me: "Blah, Blah, Blah Alana" Alana: "And I should hope so too Mummy!"