Saturday 30th April
Weight: 65.6 Exercise: NO Food Intake: Breakfast: Missed that Lunch: Ham & Low Fat Cheese Sandwich on Grain Bread, Fun Size Bag S&V Chips Dinner: Plateful of Chinese Food: Special Fried Rice, Singapore Noodles, Schzeun Chicken, Prawn Crackers, 2 Glasses Champagne, 1 JD & Diet Coke Chinese was our treat this weekend. It was wonderful too. But I was full after only 1 plateful - normally I could go back for 2nds and 3rds. And I only bought 1 bottle of champagne as I'm trying to cut down on the weekends. Don't think I could give it up like A Girl Running has. I did try once and I was doing really well too, but it didn't last too long. I did want to get up this morning and go for a long run, but it's raining (okay only lightly) but I don't want any chance of getting a cold so I'm going to give it a miss today. I've decided to do 5 straight days of running at the gym this week, which will mean giving up my spin class and low impact class. I just feel that I get more results from running than if I do anything else. I also want to try (I said try!) and fit in some weights at home in the evening. That way I'm not trying to get to the gym and do them, especially as I'm not good at getting to the gym in the evenings. Two reasons really, first is that I'm normally exhausted by the time I sit down after dinner, and also because that's when all the young girlies go and I really start to feel my age around them. Yes I used to be one of them, but those days have long gone! We've also got the punching bag in the garage that I could use. Might just see if I can schedule it into my weekend sometime, rather than having to go out there in the dark of an evening. I've probably blown my small weight loss that I had by eating the chinese, but hey ho, that's life!