Friday, September 01, 2006

Friday 1st September

Exercise: Weights I'd arranged to meet my girlfriend at the gym this morning to do a Body Pump class, but once I got there I really didn't want to be doing all those squats and lunges. So I did some upper body weights instead. My legs heaved a huge sigh of relief!! They feel very weary today. I want to do my long run tomorrow morning so that I can keep Sunday free as it's Father's Day and I want to enjoy the day with Hubby and Alana. Normally if I was to do a long run on Sunday it would take up most of the morning, which I don't think is very fair! I want to say a huge congratulations to my running buddy Michelle who has gone a whole month WITHOUT Chocolate!! I am so amazed at how strong a person she is. She makes me feel like I'm just the most lacking person in willpower and motivation. She has also had a HUGE month of running. She did 384km this month, compared to my piddly 92.5km!! Alana's Quote: "Mummy, why are we going this way?" (She's now questioning my navigational skills!!)