Friday, May 20, 2005

Friday 20th May

Exercise: 30 Mins Cross Trainer (5.62km), 30 Mins Treadmill (5.62km) Food Intake: Detox Day 12 Breakfast: Porridge with Banana Morning Tea: Carrot Sticks Lunch: Chicken Roll, Stir Fry Veggies, Rice Crackers Afternoon Tea: Muesli Bar Dinner: Chicken Risotto with Veggies, Rice Crackers Do you know that I was considering having a lie in this morning instead of going to the gym, but some little voice inside my head asked me the question "why"? And I couldn't answer that question, so I got my stuff ready as usual and got up at 5.45am as usual, and off I went as usual. I'm a person who likes routine in everything I do, and I mean everything, but I've never thought of the gym as part of my routine as I always used to think about ways of not going, and reasons I could give myself to stay in bed. It's a nice surprise to realise that going to the gym is also now part of my routine. I nearly gave into temptation tonight. I was craving chocolate so badly that I put my hand out towards the chocolate covered cherry muesli bars that were in the cupboard, and it was only my brain screaming at me to stop it that I wrenched my hand away from the box. I was this close!