Sunday, May 08, 2005

Sunday 8th May

Exercise: NO Food Intake: Breakfast (In Bed): Banana Smoothie, 2 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine Lunch: Small White Roll with Ham & Low Fat Cheese Dinner: Chicken & Veg Stirfry in Black Bean Sauce, 2 Slices Grain Bread with W/W Margerine, Block Lindt 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate, 3 Glasses Champagne Well I've just had my last supper (chocolate & champagne) and I'm now ready to start the detox tomorrow. I'm up for it and hopefully the rest of me will follow too! Didn't do any exercise today, have made it my rest day. But I did do some housework so I can at least think that I've done something! Roll on tomorrow!!