Tuesday 18th July
Exercise: 10km Run - Mullum Mullum Creek Trail What a difference in temperature this morning to the last week. It was so mild I didn't even consider putting my gloves on. Still had my jacket on but took it off about halfway into the run. And it's getting lighter too - Woohoo!! I love daylight savings. I would have it all year round if I could, but I do understand that for some people that just wouldn't work (e.g. farmers!!). I'm so looking forward to the long warm evenings again. It was so enjoyable meeting up with the Ausrun crew for an evening run around the lake (when I made the effort to get off my fat ass and get down there!!). My new trainers have arrived. Got a docket in the post last night to say they were at the post office ready for a pick up (they need a signature) so I'm going to try and pop in at lunch time to get them. I'll probably retire the current Hurricane 6's in favour of the new 7's as they are just so much more comfortable to run in and my toe doesn't hurt at all. This can't be a bad thing now can it!! My girlfriend in the UK had a little baby boy, Jamie Jack. I got to talk to her last night and she just sounded on top of the world....tired, but on top of the world. I've been buying bits and pieces for her since I found out that she was going to have a boy, but didn't want to send anything until I knew for sure, so there's a big box of stuff heading her way today (didn't realise how much I'd actually bought her!!). Alana's Quote: "Dad we need to have a pep talk!"