Sunday 9th July
Exercise: 17km Run - Yarra Trail
A really good turnout this morning for our long run. Think there were 11 of us - let me see.....Me, Michelle, Beki, EJM, Eat Em, PetalJuice, Joffa, Nimrod, TigerBoy, Ron and Bernie - Yep that makes 11!!
I've never been on this trail before and it was absolutely gorgeous. We ended up at Westerfolds Park and did a lap of that before heading back. Michelle went off with the "Marathon Group" at that point to get some more mileage in, while I ran with Bernie and Ron. It was like running with Laurel and Hardy, they had me in stitches the whole time.
On the way back we saw some wild kangaroos just hanging out in a paddock. How cool is that!!
It was a really comfortable run this morning and I felt like I could have done some extra mileage but was happy with the distance that I did run as I have to take into consideration that I also ran yesterday, which I don't normally do!
Waited for Michelle and that lot to get back, but was really cold by then and Eat Em commented that I had blue lips. I know that it took me ages to get my fingers warm again. They were still tingling when I got into the shower!!
This is a trail that I'd love to run again, as it's not too hilly (sorry Joffa) and there is plenty of trail to run!
My apologies for the crappy photos. Not sure why my phone doesn't take better photos!!