Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Tuesday 26th September

Exercise: 6km Treadmill, Situps, Pushups OMG, I've just gotten off the treadmill after 6 gruelling kilometres!! Michelle has let me borrow hers, which is so good of her. I thought it would be a doddle just hopping on and running 10km without really thinking too much of it!! Well was I totally wrong there! Can't believe how hard it is to keep going on it. I may have to come back and do another 4 or 5km later this afternoon. And the only reason I'm running on the treadmill is because I'm off work at the moment with Alana as it's school holidays and unless I get up stupidly early, I just wouldn't get the time to do any exercise, unless it's later in the evening, and I think I've already mentioned quite a few times that I just don't do exercise in the evening, unless of course it's a beautiful balmy evening, with the sun still shining, and we all know that's not going to happen for at least another 2 or 3 months!! I also need to add a bit more about our aborted run on Sunday. Not only was it hailing, followed by torrential rain, it was also blowing 40knot winds. And to set the scene, we were running along a trail which has loads and loads of gum trees on either side. I think you can probably understand that with the wind roaring through those gum trees they were all creaking loudly, and it was only a matter of time before one of them split and fell over the trail...and it was really really scary too!! So we made an executive decision to run back to the cars as fast as we could! Just wanted to clear that one up!! (Vicky we wouldn't normally give up on a run.....really truly!.....oh excpet for this one!) Alana's Quote: "I love this sweet salt!" (she was talking about the sugar on her jam donut!)