Saturday, October 28, 2006

Saturday 28th October

Exercise: 12km Power Walk/Run Well no posting from me means no exercise! Even though I've wanted to get out and do something, I just haven't. So this morning I was up bright and early so that I could get a decent walk in. I wasn't going to run, honestly, but I needed to find out if the knee is still playing's still playing up! Not happy! I'm going to book an appointment to see CV this week so that she can check it out and see if it's just muscular or if there's something more. On the weight front I've lost a little bit but definitely not enough. And to make matters worse I'm meeting up with a girlfriend on Tuesday who's out from the UK at the moment so there should have been the added incentive to looking my best, but my utter despair at not being able to run has taken over any kind of motivation to get out and do someting else. On to better things, Daylight Savings kicks in tonight - and about bloody time too!! I've been hanging out for the lighter evenings for so long. Maybe I've got a bit of SAD (and I'm being a sad case at the moment too!!). I just feel so much better when the sun is out and it's light. I'm addicted!! Found these little Coffe Mate French Vanilla milk things that you add to coffee and they taste absolutely divine!! Alana's Quote: "I want to find a husband that will do everything for me!"