Saturday 30th April
Weight: 65.6
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Missed that
Lunch: Ham & Low Fat Cheese Sandwich on Grain Bread, Fun Size Bag S&V Chips
Dinner: Plateful of Chinese Food: Special Fried Rice, Singapore Noodles, Schzeun Chicken, Prawn Crackers, 2 Glasses Champagne, 1 JD & Diet Coke
Chinese was our treat this weekend. It was wonderful too. But I was full after only 1 plateful - normally I could go back for 2nds and 3rds.
And I only bought 1 bottle of champagne as I'm trying to cut down on the weekends. Don't think I could give it up like A Girl Running has. I did try once and I was doing really well too, but it didn't last too long.
I did want to get up this morning and go for a long run, but it's raining (okay only lightly) but I don't want any chance of getting a cold so I'm going to give it a miss today. I've decided to do 5 straight days of running at the gym this week, which will mean giving up my spin class and low impact class. I just feel that I get more results from running than if I do anything else.
I also want to try (I said try!) and fit in some weights at home in the evening. That way I'm not trying to get to the gym and do them, especially as I'm not good at getting to the gym in the evenings. Two reasons really, first is that I'm normally exhausted by the time I sit down after dinner, and also because that's when all the young girlies go and I really start to feel my age around them. Yes I used to be one of them, but those days have long gone!
We've also got the punching bag in the garage that I could use. Might just see if I can schedule it into my weekend sometime, rather than having to go out there in the dark of an evening.
I've probably blown my small weight loss that I had by eating the chinese, but hey ho, that's life!
Friday 29th April
Exercise: 1 Hr Treadmill - 50 Min Run, 10 Min Power Walk (9.40km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: Satsuma
Lunch: Salmon, Green Salad, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, 1 Curly Wurly, 1 Chomp, 1 Pkt Grape Mentos, 1 Pkt Blackcurrant Mentos
Afternoon Snack: 1 Bottle Strongbow Cider (after work drink)
Dinner: Veal Tortellini with Tomato & Bacon Sauce, 1 Large Bread Roll with W/W Margerine, 1 JD & Diet Coke
Running was hard this morning. I need to run at least every 2nd day, if not every day to keep the momentum going otherwise I lose that fitness so quickly.
I didn't enter the Mothers Day Run before the online entries closed, so I now have to decide if I'm going to go and register on the day. As I'm not the most motivated person at the best of times, I'm going to have to rely on the Hubby for the motivation needed to get up to town before 8am on Mothers Day to register. It's not looking good so far, but I may change my mind. But then I think what I could buy with the $27 entry fee!!
Maybe I'll just enter the Run to the G event instead. Or maybe I could do both???
What I really want out of the runs is the number thing that you pin on the front. I'm going to collect them and dispaly them in a book, along with a photo of me on the day and a print out of my time from the website of that particular run. Probably not the best reason to do the run, but if I've got to have a motivation, then that's what I've chosen as it.
Went to the supermarket at Lunchtime and once again found myself buying chocolate and Mentos. I've decided not to do this anymore. I'll do the shopping after work instead, or maybe on a Saturday or Sunday.
Thursday 28th April
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Banana Smoothie
Morning Tea: Pear
Lunch: Green Salad, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, Boiled Egg, Beetroot, Pkt Green Apple Mentos, Pkt Orange Mentos
Afternoon Tea: Satsuma
Dinner: Mongolian Chicken & Brown Rice, Low Fat Choc Mousse, 2 JD & Diet Coke
Snack: Choc Cherry Muesli Bar
Had a crap night's sleep due to Alana waking us up twice during the night because she was scared.....she'd watched Dr Who earlier in the evening and was now talking about stones turning her into a skeleton!! I also bought her a new night light, which is way too bright for her room, and I think this was keeping her awake too. Anyway when the alarm finally went off (after watching the clock from about 4am) I had absolutely no energy to get out of bed, let alone do any exercise.
I went shopping during my lunch hour today. I've never done the shopping so quickly or spent such a small amount on a weekly shop. The only thing the supermarket didn't have (as it was the local Bi-Lo which is miniscule) was dryslaw, so I thought I did pretty good to drive to the supermarket, get round it, drive home, put it all away and drive back to work, and still have time to eat my lunch!!
And if I hadn't gone to the supermarket, I wouldn't have bought the mentos!!
Wednesday 27h April
Exercise: 30 Mins Cross Trainer (4.77km), 10 Mins Row (2036M), Situps
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: 2 Large Plums
Lunch: Low Fat Cheese & Tomato on Grain Bread, 1 Low Fat Orange Sorbet Yoghurt, 1 Choc Cherry Muesli Bar
Afternoon Tea: Banana
Dinner: Chicken Breast, Green Salad, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, Boiled Egg, 1 JD & Diet Coke
Thought I'd do something other than running at the gym this morning. Haven't rowed for ages, so it was good to use some different muscles.
I thinkI may be albe to get into some seriously good eating now that I'm in a job where there is no real opportunity to eat junk food, unless I bring it in to work myself. If I want anything I have to get in my car and drive, which is a real pain in the bum.
Tuesday 26th April
Exercise: 1 Hr Treadmill - 35 Min Run, 25 Min Power Walk (8.86km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Lunch: Ham & Cheese Sandwich on Grain Bread, Low Fat Orange Sorbet Yoghurt, Cherry Choc Muesli Bar
Afternoon Tea: Banana
Dinner: Chicken Breast, Broccoli & Cauliflower Mash, 1 Large White Bread Roll with W/W Margerine, 2 Glasses JD & Diet Coke
My first day at my new job so I wasn't sure what to expect. I took the sandwich with me as I didn't know what facilities they'd have.
The good bit is that they get fruit delivered every week, free for the staff to eat....the bad news is that they also get scones delivered every Thursday, free for the staff to eat.
At least there's no charity boxes with chocolates or biscuit tins.
I wasn't going to do a run today as my legs were still a bit sore, but once I got on the treadmill I just couldn't stop myself from running. And I ran on an incline of 1.5 too!
Monday 25th April
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: None (oops!)
Lunch: Salmon, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, 2 Large White Bread Rolls with W/W Margerine
Afternoon Tea: Fun Size Bag Doritos, Fun Size Bag S&V Chips, Cherry Choc Muesli Bar, 4 Glasses Champagne, Grapes
Dinne: 1 Large White Bread Roll with Ham & Low Fat Cheese
Did alot of comfort eating today. It was while I was watching the footy and drinking my champers. I really got the munchies so ended up getting stuck into Alana's school food. Not good!!
No exercise today. My quads are quite sore so I thought I'd have a rest day and get right back into it tomorrow.
Sunday 24th April
Exercise: 8km Fun Run (Lest We Forget)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Lunch: Potato Wedges with Sour Cream & Sweet Chilli Sauce, 3 Glasses Champagne
Afternoon Tea: Neenish Tart
Dinner: Slice Double Choc Cheesecake
I gave myself permission to eat all the crappy food because I had done the fun run today. Why? I have no idea. I could have easily eaten the Chicken Ceaser Salad at lunch, and I definitely did not need the Neenish Tart, and when I got home from the airport this evening, I could have easily just chucked some salad (that's already made up in the fridge mind you!) in a bowl with some Salmon.
So tomorrow I'm going to do a 5 or 6km run to keep my legs moving.
Oh I forgot to say in my previous post that I ended up wearing my 3/4 length training pants with a light t-shirt and a singlet over the top. In hindsight I should have worn my shorts and just a singlet as it was quite warm. But at 6.30am it wasn't warm and that's when I made my decision! Maybe I should have brought the shorts with me in case I was wearing the wrong stuff.
All these little things that I don't do right each time I just add to my list of things I need to do before the next race so that I will eventually get it right! The list keeps growing!
Lest We Forget Run
I'm up in plenty of time to get up to town, find a park, find where we're meeting, find where I get my number from, get to the toilet (again!) and stretch for 5 minutes before we have to line up.
I thought there were going to be lots more people than there were, and I was a bit worried that I was going to be only one of about 30 people, but alot showed up with about 10 minutes to spare.
I can't seem to find my running watch anywhere (think Alana has pinched it) so Nick let me borrow his watch. Got that all set up so that I just had to push the start button when I ran past the start line. Also made sure my MP3 player was going before I started running, as it can be hard to push the little buttons when you're on the move.
So I'm off and running when the siren blares, and most people are running alot faster than me. I'm pretty much at the back of the pack with a couple of other ladies who are running about my pace. I gradully get into my stride after about 5 minutes and soon realise that the ladies are running a little bit slower than me, so head off in front of them trying to find another person who's running about the same pace as me.
Get to the corner of Anderson Street to be confronted by a hill. Now I've done alot of hill training since the Dandy Creek Dash and I actually make it up the hill without having to walk (yay for me!) and it's a great feeling to get to the top of the hill, turn the corner and be confronted with a bit of a downhill gradient too. Managed to get the breath back and catch up to someone who I ended up running behind for the rest of the race.
Get closer to the start/finish line only to be overtaken by a guy who I can only assume is the lead runner as he zoomed past me at a giant gait!! Congratulations to him whoever he was!!
I run past the start finish line, wave to hubby who's looking very comfortable sitting in his chair, enjoying the sunshine and reading his book. Grab a drink from the drinks table and nearly slice my tongue off as I'm trying to drink from the bottle. I've never been able to master this act so give up and chuck the bottle to one side.
I'm now getting into my stride again, but in the back of my mind is that bloody hill again. Finally reach it and I'm quite out of breath already so I try and run as far as I can before I have to do some power walking. Then once I've got some breath back again it's another slow jog to the top of the hill. I grab another bottle of water as I'm gasping, then get my breath back as I run back down the hill on the other side. Manage to get some water out of the bottle this time without drawing blood this time, but had to do a very slow jog to make sure of this!
Then it's a very tiring 2km run to the finish line. I did a mad 100metre dash to the line, got my little strip ripped off the bottom of my number thingy on the front of me, got a photo taken as I crossed the line (god knows who that was!) remembered to stop my watch and then hobbled up to where Nick was observing everyone (including the scantily clad little girles in their shorts and singlets).
Do you think I'm being a bit scummy because I was expecting something because I finished?? No showbags, no medals.....but there was a Sausage Sizzle and a free protein bar and a small 2pack of anzac biscuits.....
My time was 46.57 which I was totally amazed at. I thought it would take me more than 50 minutes to do it, so I'm very happy. Next race is the Mothers Day run on the 8th April. Need to decide by the 27th if I'm going to enter online. Yeah of course I am. It's on the same track so at least I know what to expect this time.
Here's a couple of photos I took of the finish line. As you can probably tell, I didn't finish early, so alot of people had already left.

Saturday 23rd April
Weight: 66.0
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: 2 Crumpets with W/W Margerine
Lunch: Sirloin Steak, Mashed Potato (lunch at Pelicans Landing)
Great lunch today, but it was so filling. Couldn't even face the thought of ice cream. And I patted myself on the back for saying no to champagne too.
Getting a little bit nervous about tomorrow's run, but I know there'll be plenty of people there. I'm going to run with my music as I really didn't feel right without it when I ran the Dandy Creek Dash. Can't decide what to wear though. Do I wear my normal 3/4 length pants or do I wear my shorts? Decisions, decisions!
Okay I'm off to bed for an early night. Good luck to everyone who's running the Lest We Forget run tomorrow.
Friday 22nd April
Exercise: Weights, Situps
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: 1 Slice Grain Bread with W/W Margerine, 1 Large Plum
Lunch: 2 Chicken Kebab Sticks, 1 Beef Sausage, Small piece Steak, Green Salad, Cous Cous, Beetroot, Coleslaw, 1/2 Boiled Egg, 1 Large White Bread Roll with W/W Margerine, 4 Glasses Champagne
Afternoon Tea: Slice Double Choc Cheesecake, 4 Anzac Biscuits
Dinner: 1 Large White Bread Roll with W/W Margerine, 2 Glasses Champagne
Bit of a non event at the gym this morning. My legs are quite sore at the moment so I didn't want to do anything that had any bearing on them, so I did some upper body weights and lots of situps, but as I didn't walk out of the gym dripping wet, it almost felt like I hadn't really worked out hard enough. I'm sure my muscles in my shoulders will be letting me know tomorrow that I did work hard though.
BBQ this lunchtime, which was great. Managed to drink the whole bottle of champagne by myself, but in my defence, it was over the course of 3 hours, and in my books, that's quite good that I made it last that long!!
Cheesecake was superb. I didn't buy it so it wasn't my fault. I don't even like Anzac biscuits that much, but as they were offered I ate them!
Thursday 21st April
Exercise: 1 Hr Run (9km) - 4 Laps of Lilydale Lake
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: 1 Small Plum, Few Cubes of Cheese (Full Fat Tasty)
Lunch: Banana Smoothie, 1 Large Plum
Dinner: Salmon, Green Salad, 1/2 Egg, Beetroot, Cous Cous, White Bread Roll with W/W Margerine
Had a great run around Lilydale Lake today. It was a beautiful sunny morning too, with lots of people out walking. There was only one other woman running, although in the opposite direction, and we were pretty much running the same speed because I kept passing her at the same place each time. The first lap I felt really strong and thought I could do at least 5 laps. By the 3rd lap I was reconsidering my options. So I ended up doing 4 laps. The lake is quite flat with just a couple of inclines, but by the end of the 4th lap, I felt quite exhausted. I probably could have pushed myself to do a 5th lap, but as I've got the Lest We Forget run on Sunday, I thought I'd better take it a bit easy, so finished on the 4th lap.
I'm not sure whether to do another run either tomorrow or Saturday or just leave out the running now until after the fun run on Sunday!
Wednesday 20th April
Exercise: 1 Hr Spin Class
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine & Blackberry Jam
Morning Tea: 3 Anzac Biscuits
Lunch: Iced Coffee Smoothie, Choc Cherry Coconut Slice
Dinner: Large White Bread Roll with W/W Margerine
Decided to go to the gym this morning as I didn't feel like running, and there was a spin class starting, so I decided to join in. Nobody told me that it was an hour long and it was a hard one! My legs now feel like jelly and I sweated so much I'm sure everyone was looking at me funny!
Food was a bit weird today. Nothing particularly good in there. I ate the bread roll about 4.30pm and wasn't hungry for the rest of the evening so didn't bother to eat anything else!
I've got into a habit now of eating a cake or scroll after a smoothie. Must try and get out of that habit. Another habit I have is buying some lollies or chocolate if I'm getting the train anywhere (doesn't happen very often now), but I used to catch the train into the city everyday and I did it then, and something just happens to me when I step onto a train platform. First thing I do is look for the little food shop that's always on the platform!!
Does anyone else have little habits like that?
Tuesday 19th April
Exercise: 1 1/4 hr run outside (12.2km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: 2 Crumpets with W/W Margerine
Lunch: Ham & Low Fat Cheese Sandwich on Grain Bread
Dinner: Chicken, Green Salad, Beetroot, Cous Cous, Boiled Egg, Coleslaw, 5 Anzac Biscuits
As I've got this week off I thought that I would do some runs outside. This morning was great. I ran the whole distance, only stopping while I waited for the lights to change. I get a little niggly pain in my right knee when I run down any sort of hill, so I'm not sure what's happening there, and my left foot did go numb for a little while too. Hasn't done that for a long time. Might have to check my laces haven't tightened up too much. Or maybe I needt to start thinking of getting some new trainers....I can feel a big spend coming on!
UPDATE: I drove the same circuit this afternoon that I ran this morning so that I could guage the distance. It was 12.2km.....WOW! Didn't think that I could run that far. No wonder my knee is sore!
And have you noticed that I didn't mention those Anzac biscuits that I devoured with my cup of tea after dinner!!
Monday 18th April
Exercise: Leg Press, 45 Min Spin Class
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine.
Morning Tea: 1/2 Dark Choc Flake, King Size Chokito
Lunch: Chicken Ceaser Salad, 3 Glasses Champagne, 2 Very Small Pieces Herb Bread
Dinner: Plate of Chips & Tomato Sauce, 1 Glass Champagne
I'm really concentrating on strengthening my legs now, so if nothing else, at least they'll be toned and in shape!
Today was just BAD. Apart from the Chicken Ceaser Salad the rest of the food was just plain rubbish. We drove down the Great Ocean Road today and stopped for some petrol. As I went in to pay for it, I had this whole variety of chocolate in front of me. Couldn't stop myself.
Then on the way home, it was getting late and there was mention of stopping at the Chippy. Naturally I was in total agreement with this as it meant that I didn't have to cook when we got home.
Tomorrow is a new day!
Sunday 17th April
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine & Lemon Curd
Lunch: Bowl Pumpkin Soup, Small Dinner Roll with butter, 2 Slices Roast Turkey, 2 Roast Potatoes, Roast Pumpkin, Parsnip, Carrots, Broccoli, Pavlova with Cream, Profitteroles with Cream, 1 Glass Champagne
Dinner: 2 Salada Biscuits with W/W Margerine & Low Fat Cheese, 3 Glasses Champagne
Went to lunch at the Country Club. It was a buffet and there was alot to eat.....which I did! It was actually a seafood buffet but as I don't eat seafood, I was spared from eating more than I did! I offered to drive which was why I only had 1 glass of champers with lunch.
But I did buy 2 bottles on the way home so that I could have a couple more (naughty me!).
Saturday 16th April
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Lunch: Chicken Ceaser Salad, 4 Glasses Champagne
Dinner: 2 Salada Biscuits with W/W Margerine & Low Fat Cheese
Maybe too many glasses of champagne today, but all up I think I did really well foodwise. We went up to St Kilda and had lunch there and it was quite late when we sat down to eat, so I really wasn't very hungry at dinner.
I really wanted to get up early this morning for a run, and it HAD to be early as I had an appointment at 10.20am, but as I got in really late last night, I just couldn't drag myself out of bed. Maybe tomorrow!
Friday 15th April
Exercise: 20 Mins Cross Trainer (3.36km), 15 Mins Treadmill (2.49km), Shoulders, Situps, Leg Press
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: 4 Biscuits
Lunch: 4 Slices Chicken Hawaiian Pizza, Small amount of Ravioli, 1 Glass Champagne
Dinner: Chicken Ceaser Salad, 5 Glasses Champagne
Oh dear, that wasn't a good day now was it. As it was my last day at work, we ordered in Pizzas from La Porchetta. I love the Chicken Pizza and just kept putting more slices into my mouth!
Went out for a friend's birthday to a lovely hotel, followed by a Karaoke bar. As I wasn't driving, it was so easy for me to justify the amount of champers that I drank.
Thursday 14th April
Exercise: 1 Hr Treadmill - 58 Min Run, 2 Min Cooldown (9.86km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: 2 Biscuits
Lunch: Chicken & Vegetable Risotto, 4 Glasses Champagne
Dinner: 2 Chicken Kebab Skewers, Coleslaw, Beetroot, Green Salad
Did some more hillwork on the treadmill this morning. Might also try doing some squats on the weight machine. Hopefully that'll make them a bit stronger too.
Got taken out for lunch by my boss, as it's my last day at work tomorrow. Couldn't help myself with the champers. Just wanted to sit there for the rest of the evening and carry on drinking, but as I had to drive home I didn't think it would be the best option to take.
Wednesday 13th April
Exercise: 1 Hr Low Impact Class
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: 3 Biscuits
Lunch: Chicken, Green Salad, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, Beetroot, Low Fat Orange Sorbet Yoghurt
Dinner: 3 White Bread Rolls with W/W Margerine, 1 Choc Hazelnut Muesli Bar
I just know that my shoulders are going to ache tomorrow as we used weights in the class this morning - and they wern't even heavy weights, but I can already feel pain!
Had sugar cravings this morning, followed by a huge carb craving this afternoon. I had a chicken breast in the fridge that I'd cooked up last night and could have easily just chucked it into a salad when I got home from work, but those bread rolls were all that I could see when I looked in the cupboard. Think I'm going to stop buying them. Not sure why I bought them in the first place!
Tuesday 12th April
Exercise: 1 Hr Treadmill - 55 min run, 5 min cooldown (9.42km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Lunch: Mongolian Chicken with Brown Rice, Low Fat Sorbet Yoghurt
Afternoon Tea: 2 Plums
Dinner: W/W Hawaiian Pizza, White Bread Roll with W/W Margerine, 1 Anzac Biscuit
I did hillwork on the treadmill this morning. Increased by .5 every 5 minutes. Did this for 1/2 hr, then back on the flat. It was so easy running on the flat after doing the hill work.
Then did another 5 minutes uphill, increasing every minute. Then some more flat running. Couldn't believe how easy it was to run at 10.5! Last 4 minutes increased by 1 incline each minute. Definitely going to do this more often as it wasn't too bad. Probably looked like I was about to have a heart attack to anyone who may have been watching me when I got off the treadmill though!! I sweated buckets!
Tried the new Weight Watchers Hawaiian Pizza tonight for tea. It wasn't too bad either. Probably would have been better off having it with a salad rather than a bread roll, but I was in I can't be stuffed mood, so bread roll sufficed!
More about the Run
Thought I might share my experience of the Dandy Dash that I did on Sunday.
It was a really warm day and the wind was very strong.
As usual I woke up at least an hour before I had to get up, so laid there thinking about all the reasons why I shouldn't do the run. Nerves were starting to kick in a bit by then.
Luckily I talked myself back into doing it, and I know that Nick would have talked me into doing it if I'd given him any indication that I might back out of it.
We got there with about 40 minutes before the run started. Parked a fair distance away - of course I didn't know this at the time, so it took us about 10-15 minutes to walk to the start/finish line.
Had to fill in paperwork and get a number. Had a bit of trouble pinning the number on the front, especially with the tiny little pins that they had for us to use. Got over that hurdle by getting Nick to do it for me. Think he enjoyed that part too!!
The start line was directly next to the portable toilets - Nice!! The starter guy did apologise about that. Seems that when they dropped the toilets off, they just put them wherever!
I think I was in about the middle of the pack. The only problem with the start was that the track was quite small to start with, so it was a bit squishy and you had to be careful that there wasn't anyone else going to try and squeeze past. It sorted itself out after about a kilometre as the group started to strecth out.
Only one interesting moment - being directed along a dirt track with a sign suggesting we had to be careful of snakes - yeah now that would be fun wouldn't it - NOT! Think that any snakes would have been scared lifeless by 250 pairs of feet running by.
Thought I was doing quite well until we came around a bend and there was a "slight" incline. Once started on the incline, it became very apparent that it was going to be a very long incline. The legs were now starting to hurt a bit and my breath was becoming laboured. I tried so hard to keep running, but about 3/4 of the way up the hill I just had to do a fast power walk to try and get my breath back. Just near the top of the hill I managed to get running again, but the legs certainly wern't too happy about that.
There was a bit of a downhill after that, leading us into a false sense of security because just around the bend we could see the finish line, but it was all uphill, right to the end!
Nick said that as I came up the final hill I looked determined to finish but didn't look like I was enjoying myself. This was probably very true, as all I could think about when I got over the line was where I could find a shady place to lie down. Got my breath back finally, then wandered over to grab my "goody" bag.
Had to laugh though as they'd put a little cadbury chocolate bar in there, and the chocolate was completely melted due to the heat! Nice thought though.
I checked the results last night and I came in 149th out of 294 I think. My time was 29.31. At least I now have something to improve on.
Roll on Lest We Forget Run, which is on the 24th April, with a couple of laps around the tan track. I've actually registered for this event too, so no thought of not competing. Well there's always the thought of just now showing up, but I've paid out already, and I want to get my money's worth!
Monday 11th April
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Lunch: Salmon, Green Salad, Beetroot, Cous Cous, 1/2 Egg, 6 Pieces Old Jamacia Chocolate, Low Fat Sorbet Yoghurt
Afternoon Tea: 1 Small Plum
Dinner: Salmon, Green Salad, Beetroot, Cous Cous, 1/2 Egg, Coleslaw, 3 Glasses Champagne
My head was willing but my body was having none of it this morning when the alarm went off at 5.45am. Just didn't have any energy to go to the gym. Thought I might try for a spin class at 6.30pm, but that didn't happen either.
Two salads in one day!! Going to look like a rabbit soon!
Sunday 10th April
Exercise: 5km Fun Run
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: Banana
Lunch: 2 Ham, Cheese & Salad White Bread Rolls, Mini Size Bag Doritos, 2 Bourbon & Coke, Drumstick Ice Cream
Dinner: Honey Chicken & Cashews, Special Fried Rice, Prawn Crackers, 2 Squares Rum & Raisin Chocolates, 4 Squares Three Wishes Chocolate, 1 Glass Champagne
Went to the footy this afternoon and even though we brought rolls with us, I still managed to talk myself into an Ice Cream.
The run today at Jells Park was really hard work. I'm glad that I went, and I'm glad that I wasn't last, but I definitely need to work on my running up hills!! Way too many there today for my liking! Won't find out my official time until tomorrow.
Look me up in the Runners World Website. I was No 741 in the 5km run.
Had a real pigout afternoon and evening. Lots of salad for me this week.
Saturday 9th April
Exercise: Weights, Situps, 20 Mins Cross Trainer (2.99km), 20 Mins Bike (2.79km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Banana, 2 Crumpets with W/W Margerine, 1 White Bread Roll with W/W Margerine
Lunch: BOOST Iced Coffee Smoothie, Cinnamon Scroll
Dinner: Chicken, 1 Sweet Chilli & Plum Sausage, Salad, Beetroot, 1/2 Egg, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, 2 Glasses Champagne
I wanted to eat well today, knowing that I was going to do a fun run tomorrow. So I refused tha Apple & Blueberry Pie that was offered to me!!
Not sure why I feel different about doing this run, compared to just running out the front door in the morning and going for a run. Probably because there'll be lots more people there and I want to try and do my best. Not that I'm going to be doing PB's or anything like that as I don't have one!! I just like running for the fun of it (and also because I tend to lose weight faster when I run).
Friday 8th April
Exercise: 1 Hr Treadmill - 1 Hr Run (9.86km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Lunch: Mongolian Chicken with Brown Rice
Afternoon Tea: Low Fat Boysenberry Yoghurt
Dinner: Chips, 2 Steamed Dim Sims, 2 Potato Cakes, 4 Glasses Champagne
God I needed that drink...well those few drinks tonight. I've been to 3 interviews today as I'm looking for a new job, and trying to sell yourself is hard work!
I wanted to have a salad for dinner but Nick and his parents were out until 7pm, so when they rang to say they were having fish & chips I took the lazy option. At least I ordered my dim sims steamed!!
I made myself run for the whole hour on the treadmill this morning. Normally when my legs get tired I'll do a fast power walk but today I just ran slower. Much better for my overall running fitness I think!
Thursday 7th April
Exercise: 1 Hr Treadmill - 53 min Run, 7 Min Power Walk (9.63km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porrdige with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: Banana Smoothie
Lunch: Salmon, Green Salad, Egg, Beetroot, Cous Cous, Low Fat Boysenberry Yoghurt
Afternoon Tea: Apple Scroll
Dinner: Chicken Strips, Green Salad, Beetroot, 1/2 Egg, Cous Cous, 1 White Bread Roll with W/W Margerine, 1 JD & Diet Coke
My run this morning was very hard work. Took all my willpower to keep running.
Nick's going to come along with me to the Dandy Creek Dash, so I'm going to register online today. I've decided to do the 5km rather than the 10km run, just to get me back into running fun runs. I feel like I need to be a bit fitter before I enter the 10km ones. Maybe next time.
Update: I went to the website to register online and I chickened out. It would mean that I had to show up! Not too good with committing myself to thing, hence no weight loss!! I really want to do this run and I will show up on Sunday.
Wednesday 6th April
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: Banana Smoothie
Lunch: Mongolian Chicken with Brown Rice, Low Fat Choc Mousse
Dinner: 2 White Bread Rolls with W/W Margerine
So I let myself down today by not going to the gym after work. I really wasn't up for it. So I did all the ironing instead.
But I feel quite bad that I didn't make the most of the afternoon as I didn't have to worry about Alana as she was with her Grandparents, and I finished work at 3.30pm, so I had plenty of time to go to the gym, or go out for a run, or do some weights at home, or just do anything at all really!
I so want to do the Dandy Creek Dash at Jells Park on Sunday, but I really don't want to do it on my own. Need desparately to find a running partner, even if it's just someone who'll meet up to do the fun runs with me. There's got to be someone at the gym who's interested. Might need to put a notice up. Saying that, I've never seen a noticeboard there. Might have to suggest it to them.
Tuesday 5th April
Exercise: 1 Hr Treadmill - 50 Mins Run, 10 Mins Power Walk (9.5km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: Hot Cross Bun with W/W Margerine
Lunch: Salmon, Green Salad, Cous Cous, Beetroot, Grated Carrot, Low Fat Choc Mousse
Afternoon Tea: 2 Biscuits, 2 Plums
Dinner: Mongolian Chicken with Brown Rice, 1 Hot Cross Bun with W/W Margerine, 2 JD & Diet Coke
Another good run this morning. I'm not going to be able to get to the gym tomorrow morning as I've got to take Alana to the Eye Doctor and the appointment is for 8.30am, so it looks like I'm going to have to go to the gym tomorrow evening.
I hate that thought. Having to share the gym with loads of people. At 6.00 in the morning there's always a treadmill available and the weights section is virtually deserted. At 6.00 in the evening it's just way too busy for me. And I can't see myself going there any later as I know that I just won't do it.
I'm now left in the horrible position of trying to force myself to go to the gym. I'd love to do a run outside tomorrow evening, and if I can finish work at 3.30 then it may just be possible. I'll have to wait and see how it all pans out tomorrow.
Monday 4th April
Exercise: 5 Min Crosstrainer (0.54km), Situps, 45 Min Spin Class
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Crumpets with W/W Margerine
Morning Tea: 2 Biscuits, Banana
Lunch: Salmon, Green Salad, Cous Cous, Boiled Egg, Beetroot, Grated Carrot, Choc Vanilla Low Fat Yoghurt,
Afternoon Tea: 2 Biscuits, 1 Curly Wurly, 1 Chomp
Dinner: Can Chicken & Sweetcorn Soup, 3 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine, 2 Hot Cross Buns with W/W Margerine, 2 Glasses JD & Diet Coke
I had the Safcol Salmon today that has no bones or skin in it. It is a premium type Salmon and costs over $4.00 per 200gm tin, but it is the only way I can eat Salmon. I don't like fresh Salmon and I just hate the bones and bits you get in a normal tin of Salmon, so this was really nice to eat without the thought of eating crunchy things!
Had a bit of a chocolate binge at the Service Station when I filled up with Petrol. I had 2 plums and a banana on my desk which I should have eaten before I left work, then I probably wouldn't have had the chocoalte craving.
Sunday 3rd April
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Lunch: Calzone Pollo, Tim Tam Gateau, 2 Glasses Champagne
We had lunch at a fantastic restaurant in Lygon Street. Yes I could have gone for the Chicken Ceaser Salad, but the Calzone just had to be eaten. The Tim Tam cake didn't have to be eaten, but was very tempting, just sitting there in that glass cabinet directly in front of me, taunting me, calling out to me, begging me just to have a taste!!
Didn't need to eat anything else as I'm just so full!
Saturday 2nd April
Exercise: 1 Hr Treadmill - 52 Min Run, 8 Min Power Walk (9.54km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Crumpets with W/W Margerine
Lunch: Herb Risotto with Chicken Strips, 1 Glass Champagne
Afternoon Tea: Choc Muesli Bar with Hazelnuts, 1/2 Choc Easter Egg
Dinner: 2 Salada Biscuits with Low Fat Cheese & Triple Smoked Ham, Small piece Cheesecake, 3 Glasses Champagne
So I gave in to the power of the cheesecake. It was only a small piece, but I still shouldn't have eaten it.
No loss this week, but looking back at my food intake, I can't complain. At least I didn't gain anything!
I had a great run today. It was one of those days when you feel like running forever. I really got into the rythmn and I didn't start to feel any fatigue until about 40 mins into it. Then the fatigue hit me quickly, but I just gritted my teeth and kept running till my hour was up. My legs seem to think that 1 hours is plenty and I can rarely run past that time when I'm on the treadmill. If I'm running outside, I can run much further. Strange huh!
We went up to Steavensons Falls today and walked right to the top of the falls. It's a pretty steep hill and my legs were a bit sore, especially as I'd run this morning. And I walked up there in my thongs!
Friday 1st April
Exercise: 20 Mins Cross Trainer (3.37km), 30 Mins Treadmill - Run (4.98km), Situps
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: Banana Smoothie
Lunch: Chicken Pesto with Brown Rice, 1 Plum, 1 Yoplait Vanilla Choc Yoghurt
Afternoon Tea: 1 Plum, Cheese & Biscuits, Chips, 1 Glass Champagne
Dinner: 1 BBQ Chicken Kebab, Cous Cous, 1/2 Boiled Egg, Grain Roll with W/W Margerine, Large Slice Cheesecake, 3 Glasses Champagne
I feel really exhausted this morning. Running 2 days in a row really takes it out of you. I could hear my knees groaning as I was running too!!
I was doing great with my food today until 4.30pm when there were lots of cheese & biccies put on the table at work. I tried so hard to just have a couple, but all the cheeses were just so yummy and the chips were the new Kettle Honey Soy ones (yummo!).
Then when I got home from work I opened the fridge door and there was this humungus cheesecake that Nick's Dad had bought from the Cheesecake Shop. Not fair. So I've now had a slice (and it was heaven) and have told Nick's Dad that I won't be eating anymore of it, so please don't offer it to me!