Thursday 31st March
Exercise: 1 Hr Treadmill - 50 mins run, 10 mins power walk (9.49km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: Banana Smoothie
Lunch: Chicken Pesto with Brown Rice, 2 Plums
Dinner: Chicken Breast, Green Salad, Boiled Egg, Beetroot, 2 JD & Diet Coke
A much better day today. Actually managed to keep away from the crap, although I nearly gave in while I was at the supermarket. Had to walk past the choc/raspberry bullets and it was a real struggle not to pick up a packet and eat them on the drive home.
I had a much better run on the treadmill today as well. No puking or feeling sick this time! I really want to get back to being fit for running as I do enjoy it alot......more so when I'm running outside than on the treadmill as it's quite boring on the treadmill, but at 6am I really don't want to run outside as I don't feel safe at that time of the day.
Wednesday 30th March
Exercise: 1 Hr Low Impact Class
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Bowl of Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: Packet Mentos
Lunch: Chicken Pesto with Brown Rice, 2 Plums
Afternoon Tea: 1 Plum
Dinner: 3 Pieces Chicken Hawaiian Pizza, 2 Glasses JD & Diet Coke, 4 Champgane Chocolate Truffles
Am I ever going to be able to get through a day without eating anything junky?? Doesn't look like it at the moment does it?
The pizza was from Sophias and I could have eaten a ton more than I did. Thought I controlled myself quite well. Probably could have controlled myself even more by not ordering the pizza in the first place!!
Tuesday 29th March
Exercise: Treadmill - 45 Mins Run/Walk, Situps
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: Banana
Lunch: Pesto Chicken & Brown Rice, 2 Plums
Afternoon Tea: Box Mentos, 1 Curly Wurly
Dinner: Chicken Breast with Salad, Fat Free Mayonnaise, 2 Small White Bread Rolls with W/W Margerine
Late Snack: 1 Glass JD & Diet Coke
Nearly puked at the gym this morning. Was happily running on the treadmill thinking that I'd do 30 mins straight run, have a 5 min power walk and then another 20 mins run followed by 5 mins of cool down. Was feeling good until the 25 min mark and started feeling a bit crook. Had to stop at 30 mins, go in to the changing rooms and put my head between my legs for a couple of minutes. Then had to head for the loos as I thought that last nights dinner was going to come back up (yukky!). Luckily I wasn't sick but was this close to it.
Nick's parents have arrived from the UK and kindly picked up a bottle of JD when coming through Duty Free. Hope Nick drinks it quickly otherwise I can see myself coming home from work, pouring myself a JD & putting my feet up....often!
Monday 28th March
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: All Bran with Fat Free Milk & Banana
Lunch: Tuna, Cous Cous, Fat Free Mayo, 2 Small White Bread Rolls with W/W Margerine
Afternoon Tea: Choc Coated Hazelnut Muesli Bar, Mini Bag of Cheese & Bacon Balls
Dinner: Pesto Chicken & Brown Rice, 4 Lines Dairy Milk Chocolate
God what am I doing?? My food intake has just gone to pieces. I always seem to start out really well in the morning and then it just goes downhill from there. I always thought that being at home was much better for me eating wise, but it seems like it's just the opposite. I can control myself better at work than at home it seems.
Sunday 27th March
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Large Easter Egg
Lunch: Tuna, Cous Cous, Fat Free Mayo, Grapes
Dinner:Pasta Bolognese, Parmesan Cheese, Mini Easter Eggs, 2 Slices Grain Bread with W/W Margerine
I've eaten way too much chocolate, but in the back of my mind I knew I was going to anyway! Not a good way of thinking though!
Still no exercise. Just can't seem to get back into the swing of it at the moment. I think also that having all this time off has put me a bit out of whack. My routine has been totally screwed up and I can't get it back!
Anyone Want A GMail Account
I've got 50 gmail accounts to give away.
Does anyone want one?
Saturday 26th March
Weight: 65.8
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Sliced Banana
Morning Tea: Sausage with onions in 1 Slice Bread
Lunch: Chicken & Rice, 1 Small Bread Roll
Dinner: Lots of Small Easter Eggs, 4 Glasses Champagne
I'm not very proud of myself. I've really slipped this weekend, both foodwise, alcoholwise and exercise wise. I keep thinking in my head that Tuesday is a new week and I can get back into the swing of things then, but it doesn't make me feel any better knowing that the weekend was a total bingefest of everything that I didn't want to eat or drink!
I don't think that I deserve the watch that I'd promised myself. Maybe if I can have a good week this week, then I may consider that I've done something worthwhile to deserve it. We'll see what happens this week!
Friday 25th March
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 1 Choc Chip Hot Cross Bun, 1 Normal Hot Cross Bun with W/W Margerine
Lunch: 1 Grain Roll with Cheese, 1 Grain Roll with W/W Margerine
Dinner: 2 Fried Dim Sims, 2 Potato Cakes, Chips, King Size Cherry Ripe, 2 Glasses Champagne
So a bit of a blow out for dinner tonight. But as long as I make this my treat night then I should be okay for the rest of the weekend.
I want to start doing some fun runs. On Hayleys blog I found a link to all the fun runs in Melbourne. When I was living in the UK I used to compete regularly in these, but since returning to Oz I haven't really been motivated. What I really need is a running partner, but as I haven't really made any friends since I've been back, I haven't found anyone who wants to come running with me. I may have to drag hubby and daughter along just to cheer for me, if nothing else.
Anyone else want to meet up for a fun run?
Thursday 24th March
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: Low Fat Banana Muesli Bar
Lunch: Chicken & Cous Cous with Fat Free Mayo, Low Fat Strawberry Yoghurt, 1 Plum
Afternoon Tea: 2 Salada Biscuits with Low Fat Philly Cheese & W/W Leg Ham
Dinner: W/W Beef Hot Pot, 1 Cherry & Choc Hot Cross Bun
I was hoping to go to the gym this morning, but when the alarm went off I just didn't have enough energy to get out of bed. Alana had woken us up at 12.30pm as she was not feeling very well and it took me ages to get back to sleep again.
Hopefully I can find the energy this weekend to get back into the swing of doing my exercise. Definitely going to need it after the chocolate intake that'll probably happen on Sunday!
Those Deadly Scales

Wednesday 23rd March
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: 2 Salada Biscuits with Low Fat Philly Cream Cheese & W/W Leg Ham
Lunch: Chicken Risotto, Low Fat Berry & Shortcake Yoghurt, Grapes
Afternoon Tea: 2 Plums, Bag of Choc Raspberry Bullets
Dinner: Chicken Risotto, Mini Bag Cheese & Bacon Balls
Starting to slide again. I so wanted some chocolate today, and when I was in Coles the choc bullets just jumped out at me, and for the life of me, I could not put them down. I had this huge argument inside my head with myself, and I still lost the argument!
Tuesday 22nd March
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Egg Omelette with W/W Grated Cheese
Morning Tea: Extra Light Cheese Cubes, Mixed Unsalted Nuts, 4 Sugar Free Choc Chews
Lunch: Tuna Mayo, Cheese Cubes, 4 Sugar Free Vanilla Chews
Oh my god, what have I done!! Those chews have totally bloated me out and I had to lay down for a little while to make the pain go away. Won't be eating those things in any great quantity again! I couldn't even eat any dinner as I was just way too bloated and uncomfortable.
Still not feeling well, so have put off the exercise for another day.
Monday 21st March
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine
Morning Tea: 2 Salada Biscuits with W/W Margerine & Lemon Curd
Lunch: Chicken Risotto, 2 Slices Grain Bread with W/W Margerine, Berry & Shortcake Yoghurt
Dinner: Tuna, Cous Cous, Small amount of Fat Free Mayo, 6 Sugar Free Choc Chews
So today is my low fat day. Too much margerine me thinks!
Still not feeling great so I've stopped exercising for now. As soon as I'm back at work I'll be back down the gym. I think my body needs a small break anyway and as long as I don't put too much crappy food in my mouth, it shouldn't have too much impact on my weight.
Sunday 20th March
Exercise: 1.5 hr Power Walk (outside)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Banana Smoothie
Lunch: Low Fat Cheese Sandwich on Grain Bread
Afternoon Tea: Kettle Chips, Little Sandwiches, 2 Slices Low Fat Choc Cake, 2 Glasses Champagne
Dinner: Chicken Risotto, 1 Glass JD & Diet Coke
I'm feeling so rough. I went to an Undercover Ware party this afternoon and sat there just eating food!
What do they say, feed a cold, starve a fever? Well I certainly fed my cold! I didn't really want to go in the first place, but as it's one of my best friends, I thought I'd better make the effort. I just wish she hadn't put out all the yummy food that she did.
I've decided that I'm going to eat alternatively each day. One day low fat, then the other day low carb. Nothing like a change is there!
Fitness Software
I found this fitness software on the web last week.
There's a free 15 day trial download. It costs $49.95 if you want to buy it. Not sure if that's in Amercian or Oz Dollars.
It has everything, and I mean everything you could ever want on it to track your fitness, eating, goals, calculators etc.
I'm considering buying it.
Saturday 19th March
Weight: 64.8kg
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Lunch: Pie Floater, Mushy Peas & Chips, 1 Glass Champagne
Dinner: 3 Glasses Champagne, 3/4 Block of Old Jamaica Chocolate
So not a great loss today, but at least it was a loss considering what I've eaten this week (yesterday and today being particularly bad).
I read this month's (and last month's) Women's Fitness magazine and I'm very drawn to the 12 Week Challenge. I'm amazed at the change in some of these women who've taken up this challenge. Seriously considering it myself....but I have this niggling thought that I just don't have the motivation or the determination to succeed. But I keep saying to myself, if these people can do it, why can't I? What is stopping me? Is it time, lack of really wanting to succeed, or am I just scared of failure?
Can I commit myself to 12 weeks of intense training and ignore my food and alcohol cravings? What do I want more? Deep down I know that I want my body to be toned and look good, knowing that I can wear what I want without those constant fears of looking fat and out of shape.
But how do I say NO to the food and alcohol? What is it that's going to motivate me enough to say NO? I have no idea, and god knows I've asked myself enough times, yet I still eat and drink unnecessarily.
OK, I'm off for a refill of my champagne glass!
Friday 18th March
Exercise: NO
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Crumpets with W/W Margerine
Morning Tea: Grape Mentos
Lunch: Chicken Risotto, 2 Slices Grain Bread with W/W Margerine
Dinner: Mini Pack Doritos, Mini Pack Cheese & Bacon Balls, Honeycomb & Choc Muesli Bar
So not really a great day foodwise. I've had the day off as I'm not feeling great, but really felt the urge to eat and eat and eat!
Don't think the scales are going to be good to me tomorrow!
Thursday 17th March
Exercise: Chest, Back, Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps, Situps
Food Intake:
Breakfast: All Bran with No Fat Milk, 1 Banana
Morning Tea: Bag (10) of Carob Coated Licorice Sticks
Lunch: Chicken Risotto, Grapes, Low Fat Choc Mousse
Afternoon Tea:
Dinner: Tuna, Green Salad, Fat Free Mayo
Late Snack: Mini Pack Cheesels, Small Choc Hazlenut Muesli Bar
You see some really weird things at the gym sometimes. Firstly there was this girlie doing her weights (nothing weird there!) but she had a pair of sunglasses on top of her head. This was at 6am - it's still pitch black outside!
Then there's this other woman who's walking on the treadmill and she's got her handbag over her shoulder! There are plenty of free lockers in the changing rooms, and I don't think the bunch of women that are there at 6am will be trying to force lockers open to steal peoples bags - so why didn't she just use a locker?? They're free you know!
Trying desparately not to let this bug get to me. My throat is now starting to hurt quite alot and I'm sounding quite sexy and husky....well husky anyway! At least I'm not aching yet and the nose hasn't started running either - thank goodness!
But I may well see myself having the day off sick tomorrow. Don't want to give everyone else my germs now do I?
Wednesday 16th March
Exercise: 1 Hr Low Impact Class
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Morning Tea: Minestrone with Noodles Soup
Lunch: BOOST Iced Coffee Smoothie
Afternoon Tea: Grapes
Dinner: Cous Cous, Tuna, Fat Free Mayo, 1/2 Grilled Ham & Philly Cream Cheese Small Wholemeal Pita Bread
I'm feeling good today about my weight. My stomach feels like it's shrinking and I don't feel so bloated.
My shins are still sore and I took it a bit easier in the low impact class today. Normally I do high impact moves but today I did it all in low impact. Didn't sweat as much but I still felt like I worked out pretty hard.
Think I have a cold coming on. Sore throat right now. Have been taking Cold Combat tablets and sucking on throat lozenges and have just found the antiseptic gargle stuff for sore throats. Just hope I can keep it at bay!
Tuesday 15th March
Exercise: Chest, Back, Triceps, Biceps, 15 Min Power Walk (4.5 incline) (1.75km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Crumpets with W/W Margerine
Morning Tea: Chicken Soup with Noodles
Lunch: Chicken Risotto, Low Fat Choc Yoghurt, Grapes
Afternoon Tea: 2 Plums
Dinner: Tuna, Cous Cous, Little Fat Free Mayonnaise, 2 Slices Grain Bread with W/W Margerine
My shins are absolutely killing me. I can't believe that just 15 minutes walking on an incline can give me this much pain! I've been hobbling round all day like an old woman.
Think I did quite well today with my food intake apart from the bread. And I could have substituted the bread for a piece of fruit, but of course I preferred the bread - sigh!
Monday 14th March
Exercise: 1 hr 50 Min Run/Walk
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Bowl of All Bran, chopped Banana
Lunch: Wendy's Iced Coffee Smoothie
Dinner: Cous Cous mixed with a tiny bit of fat free Mayonnaise, Watermelon
I decided to walk over to my parent's house this morning as they don't live too far away....well I thought they didn't live that far away. It took me an hour to power walk there. On the way back I decided to run on all the flat and downhill bits and it took me 50 minutes to get home.
I left it a bit late though and ended up doing it in 35 degree heat.....stupid - YES!!
Sunday 13th March
Exercise: None
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine
Lunch: African Risotto (Chicken, Pumpkin, Rice, Herbs), 1 Slice Herb Bread, 2 Glasses Champagne
Afternoon Tea: 2 Scoops Gelati Ice Cream (Nougat & Vanilla Choc Chip), 5 squares Hard Licorice
Dinner: 2 Salada Biscuits with Lite Philly Cream Cheese, 3 Glasses Champagne
Went for a lovely day out to Williamstown. Found a great little cafe on the main street which overlooks the bay. Might have gone a bit overboard on the champagne though.
At least I don't have to get on the scales until next Saturday and I can work my butt off to lose whatever damage I did today! But it was a great day out anyway!
What Flavour Are You?
I taste like Bread.
I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking.
What Flavour Are You?
(If you were not Bread you would be
How apt is that!! Bread - the one thing that I just cannot say no to!
And Alcohol - I think someone knew it was me doing the quiz!
Saturday 12th March
Weight: 65.8 before run - 65.2 after run
Exercise: 1hr 15min Run
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Bowl of All Bran with No Fat Milk & Chopped Banana
Lunch: 2 Salada with Low Fat Philly Cream Cheese, WaterMelon
Dinner: Chicken Breast, Cous Cous, Boiled Egg,Green Salad, 3 Glasses Champagne
I got up at 7am and went for a fantastic run. Had heaps of energy and only walked a couple of times just to get my breath back. It was a beautiful morning too. Cool but not cold, and once the sun came out it was really pleasant. Forgot my sunnies though so I was squinting into the sun for a while!
I'm a bit disappointed about my weight. Not sure why I've not lost more weight. Need to look at portion sizes I think.
I lost more weight when I was drinking and eating cakes and lollies. Maybe I'll just go back to that way of eating and enjoying it all....nah....I've realised that it stresses me out too much when I'm eating lots of junky food and drinking too much alcohol. And I'm not really missing the alcohol - well maybe just a little bit. I can always have a glass or two as my treat tonight!
Update: Yep I decided that Champagne was going to be my treat. It certainly took it's toll though as it went straight to my head and I was asleep on the couch within about 5 minutes of finishing the third glass!!
Friday 11th March
Exercise: Back, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Biceps, Situps
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Banana Smoothie
Morning Tea: Chicken Cup A Soup with Noodles
Lunch: Grain Roll with Lite Ham, Lite Cheese & Lite Philly Cream Cheese, Choc & Vanilla Yoghurt
Afternoon Tea: Punnet of Strawberries, 8 squares of hard licorice (can't remember what they're called but as a kid they cost 1c each square).
Dinner: Pasta Bolognese, 1 Slice Grain Bread with W/W Margerine
I added some extra weight to all of my training this morning, so my muscles are really feeling it now.
Still couldn't keep away from the bread. It just beckons me every time I see it. I can hear it calling to me from 10 feet away.
So I get to weigh in tomorrow. I'm planning on going for a run outside when I wake up (should be about 7am or so). Not sure if I should weigh myself before or after the run. Maybe do both and then I can use whichever weight is lower as my current weight.
Thursday 10th March
Exercise: 1 Hr Treadmill - 25 Min Run, 35 Min Power Walk (8.42km)
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Banana Smoothie
Morning Tea: 2 Plums
Lunch: Ham Salad, Low Fat Strawberry Yoghurt
Afternoon Tea: 1 Plum, Carrot Sticks
Dinner: Chicken Korma with Brown Rice
I've actually stopped craving sweet things....well today I didn't crave sweet things! No idea what may happen tomorrow though!
I thought I might just do some light running for the next week or so just to make sure that my calf is healing. And I read in the Fat Stripping Diet book that it's better to do a fast walk than running as your body burns more fat! I almost feel like I'm letting my body off easy if I walk rather than run. I still sweat and get a good work out, but I just love the feeling of coming off the treadmill with my legs wobbling from exhaustion and sweat dripping off me.....not a very nice sight though!
Wednesday 9th March
Exercise: 1 hr Low Impact Class
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Banana Smoothie
Morning Tea: Low Fat Banana Muesli Bar
Lunch: Pasta Bolognese, Boysenberry Yoghurt
Afternoon Tea: 3 Plums
Dinner: Chicken Breast, Green Salad, Cous Cous, Few Croutons, 1/2 Chicken Rissole Burger
I'm still feeling really bloated. Going to make a conscious effort to cut down on my bread intake. I do eat alot of bread especially if it's really fresh.
Not sure what it is that's doing it, but I'm having a few problems with err..ummm - gas. Yep I've been letting them off alot, last night being awful as they are very smelly.
I can only assume that it's either the plums or the muesli bar that's doing it so I'll eliminate one of them tomorrow and see what happens.
And of course I'll keep you informed!
Tuesday 8th March
Exercise: Back, Chest, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Situps
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine
Morning Tea: Chicken with Noodles Cup A Soup
Lunch: Tuna, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, Boysenberry Yoghurt
Afternoon Tea: 3 Large Plums
Dinner: Chicken Sausage, Honey Soy Turkey Stirfry, Broccoli & Cauliflower Mash
I was this close to grabbing a biscuit out of the tin this afternoon. Just in time I remembered that I had some plums with me so ate them instead, but I so wanted that biscuit!
Might have to give the cous cous and coleslaw a miss for a while as I'm not actually getting sick of it, but I think I need a change in my food. I'll probably replace it with a green salad instead.
Monday 7th March
Exercise: 45 Min Spin Class
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine
Morning Tea: Low Fat Banana Muesli Bar
Lunch: Tuna, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, Low Fat Strawberry Yoghurt, Grapes
Dinner:Chicken Schnitzel, Broccoli & Cauliflower Mash
I'm eating much better now, but why do I still feel so fat??? It almost feels like I'm putting on weight rather than taking it off. My stomach feels very big and my clothes feel a bit tighter than they did last week. I'm drinking about 3L water a day too so it should all be "passing through" quite quickly.
Frustrating....very frustrating!
Sunday 6th March
Exercise: NONE
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Lunch: Tuna, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, 2 Slices Grain Bread with W/W Margerine, Grapes
Dinner: Honey Soy Turkey Stirfry
Sat on the couch for most of the day watching the Grand Prix. Had no energy at all to do anything.
Saturday 5th March
Weight: 66.0
Exercise: None
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Crumpets with W/W Margerine
Lunch: Can of Chicken & Sweetcorn Soup, 2 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine
Dinner: 1/2 Block Triple Deck Chocolate, Bag Darrell Lea Strawberry Licorice covered in Dark Chocolate
Late Snack: Grain Bread Roll with W/W Margerine
Bit disappointed that I haven't lost more weight, but am glad that I've lost something! Nick and I decided that Saturday is treat day and as long as we've been good during the week, it's okay to enjoy a treat......No alcohol though! Might have gone a bit overboard with the chocolate!
Friday 4th March
Exercise: None
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Porridge with Golden Syrup
Lunch: Chicken Parmagiana in Focaccia (not nice at all!)
Dinner: 2 Salada with Lite Philly Cheese & Low Fat Cheese....hmm - maybe too much cheese!, Grapes
I went up to town today for a course. It was being held in a hotel which was literally right across the street from the F1 Grand Prix. During the morning tea break and the afternoon tea break we could stand at the window and watch the cars doing their practice sessions. How cool is that. And the noise.....just love it!
Even though I wrote at the top of the page that I didn't do any exercise, I did actually do a little bit. As I wasn't quite sure where the hotel was, I got off the tram a little bit too early and had to walk for a kilometre or so. Got a lovely blister now on the bottom of my foot!
I'm quite excited about weighing in tomorrow. Not sure if I feel any lighter but I've been so good and haven't eaten or drunk anything that I said I wasn't going to. Not sure if I've compensated by overeating on normal food, but I'll find out tomorrow!.
Thursday 3rd March
Exercise: AM - 1 Hr Treadmill - 50 Min Run, 10 Min Power Walk (9.33km)
PM - Body Combat Class
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Banana Smoothie, 1 Slice Grain Toast with W/W Margerine
Morning Tea: Large Croissant
Lunch: Tuna, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, Low Fat Strawberry Yoghurt, Grapes
Afternoon Tea: Low Fat Vanilla Yoghurt, Small Banana
Dinner: W/W Lasagne Frozen Meal, 1 White Roll with W/W Margerine
When I got on the treadmill this morning all I could think was that it wasn't going to be a good run today as I was feeling pretty lethargic and my legs hurt a bit. But after the first 10 minutes I really got into it and ran for 50 mins non-stop. It's great when that happens!
I'm going to do a Body Combat class tonight at the gym, inspired by Kimba saying how good it is.
Update: Okay I've just got back from the gym. How full on is that body combat!! Unfortunately I've pulled the muscle in my calf and it's killing me. I actually pulled it yesterday in my low impact class, but it was fine this morning when I was on the treadmill I'd love to keep doing the body combat as the routine is the same every time but if my calf isn't healed then I'll have to wait until I can bounce up and down on it...sigh!
Wednesday 2nd March
Exercise: 1 Hr Low Impact Class
Food Intake:
Breakfast: Large Croissant, 2 Wholemeal Crumpets with W/W Margerine
Morning Tea: Chicken Cup A Soup with Noodles
Lunch: Tuna, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, Boysenberry Yoghurt, Grapes
Dinner: 2 Beef & Red Wine Sausages, Mashed Potatoes, Baked Beans, 1 White Bread Roll with W/W Margerine
So another day gone. Kept those sweet things out of my mouth, buy boy was I hanging out for something!! I went shopping after work and I could have just about eaten everything down that lolly aisle!
Wonder how much I weigh today?
Tuesday 1st March
Exercise: Back, Chest, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Situps
Food Intake:
Breakfast: 2 Slices Grain Toast with W/W Margerine
Morning Tea: 2 Salada with Ham & Low Fat Philly Cheese & Low Fat Cheese, Butternut Pumpkin & Ham Cup A Soup
Lunch: Tuna, Cous Cous, Coleslaw, Grapes, Low Fat Boysenberry Yoghurt
Afternoon Tea: Low Fat Strawberry Yoghurt
Dinner: Chicken Breast, Wholegrain Rice, Soy Sauce
So that's day one down. Still feel that I ate a bit too much, but at least there wasn't anything that was on my no-no list!
Not knowing what I weigh was quite strange, but not too stressful. I thought I may have got a withdrawl headache, but so far so good.
A new start
I seem to be all mouth and no action. I keep saying that I'm going to do this and I'm not going to eat or drink that, and then in a blink of an eye I'm eating and drinking all the things I've said that I'm not going to!!
So I've set myself a couple of goals.
Firstly I've decided not to weigh myself daily. It seems to stress me out too much. I always worry about what I'm eating that day and whether it's going to show on the scales the next day. So from today (1st March) I'll only weight myself first thing on a Saturday morning.
It's going to be hard as I've weighed myself everyday for a very long time. I didn't weigh myself this morning and have no idea how much I weigh today, which in itself is a bit stressful.
I've also given myself the two goals I mentioned before.
The first goal is to see if I can forgo the alcohol, and junky food ie. chocolate, biscuits, lollies etc until Nick's parents arrive (March 29th). If I achieve this goal I am going to buy myself this watch . I've had my eye on it for ages, but haven't had any reason to buy it before now.
My second goal is to get down to 60kg (my ideal weight). If I can get there, I am going to go and buy myself (with Nick's help) a wedding ring - a BIG wedding ring with lots of diamonds in it. Nick and I didn't formally get married, I changed my name by deed poll. It was a mutual decision that we felt was the best thing for us, as we've been together for over nearly 12 years, have a daughter and already live like a married couple, so spending lots of money just to tell everyone that we're married really wasn't a priority for us. Anyway, look out Jewellery shops 'cos here I come!!
So let's see if some real goals can help me!! Only time will tell.